Best Oticon hearing aids picture

Oticon hearing aid models, prices, and reviews

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Good job!
The image of color hearing aids
Chroma Beige (43.9% popularity)
4 more colors available
Oticon’s best overall model

Oticon Intent

76 reviews | 18 video reviews

Oticon Intent Reviewed: 7 Days with AI-Powered, Sensor-Enhanced Hearing Aids

Have you ever spotted a Google Street View car, with cameras perched on top? These cars roam the streets, capturing 360-degree images of public spaces... READ MORE

The image of color hearing aids
Chroma Beige (49.5% popularity)
4 more colors available
Outdated: Oticon’s best overall model from Feb ‘23 - Feb ‘24

Oticon Real

90 reviews | 22 video reviews

Stay sharp in the real world

Released February 23, 2023, Oticon Real is now a slightly outdated model, and most ZipHearing customers are ordering the newer Oticon Intent. Otic... READ MORE

The image of color hearing aids
Beige (39.1% popularity)
0 more colors available
Oticon’s best in-the-ear model

Oticon Own

0 reviews | 0 video reviews

World’s first in-ear hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network

Released by Oticon on August 25, 2022, Own is Oticon's newest line of custom in-the-ear hearing aids for mild-to-severe hearing losses. Oticon Own ... READ MORE

Written by: Jeff Hall, Hearing Aid Specialist
The image of Jeff Hall author

Jeff Hall

President at ZipHearing

Jeff is a California licensed hearing aid dispenser and the President of ZipHearing one of the largest hearing aid suppliers in the country. More about Jeff Hall
Medically reviewed by: Brad Ingrao, Doctor of Audiology
The image of Brad Ingrao author

Brad Ingrao

Editor & Doctor of Audiology

Brad Ingrao, Au.D. has been in clinical practice since 1992 in a variety of settings including academia, private practice, educational audiology, the VA, and the hearing aid industry. More about Brad Ingrao
Updated: Feb 24, 2024

The Inside Scoop on Oticon Hearing Aids: What You Need to Know

Preview for the "Oticon Hearing Aids of 2024" video

In this video, we review the current 5 models available from Oticon, to help you decide which may be best for you

Key Takeaways

  • Oticon hearing aid prices range from $2,400-$8,000 for the pair, and the costs vary based on the model, style, technology level, service package included, and retailer.
  • Oticon does not support direct-to-consumer online sellers—Oticon hearing aids must be purchased through an authorized Oticon retailer that includes face-to-face care.
  • Oticon’s best hearing aid is the Oticon Intent which was released on February 22, 2024 and is Oticon's first hearing aid on their all new Sirius platform.
Oticon hearing aids company iverview

Oticon's Deep Neural Network technology enhances hearing aids with intelligent, nuanced sound processing, mimicking human brain functions.

Pioneering DNN Technology

Traditionally, hearing aids follow a set of human-written rules (algorithms) when they process sound—and the majority of hearing aids on the market still do. Oticon thought there had to be a better way and in 2021 (years ahead of competitors) Oticon released their first hearing aid with an onboard Deep Neural Network.

The DNN was trained on how to identify and process 12 million real-life sounds, in a way that'll be most beneficial for the wearer. This technology lets Oticon hearing aids have a brain of their own, replicating human brain processes, for the most intelligent listening experience.
Oticon hearing aids company iverview

Oticon's diverse range of hearing aids, featuring stylish designs, advanced technology, and seamless digital connectivity, caters to every preference and need.

A Variety of Choices

From discreet receiver-in-canal style hearing aids, to powerful behind-the-ear models, to nearly invisible in-ear models, Oticon has something for everyone. They offer varieties with rechargeable and disposable batteries, they include features like telecoils and CROS compatibility, ensuring that whatever your needs, they can check the boxes you need.

No matter your hearing loss, lifestyle, cosmetic preferences, or budget, Oticon's complete range of products has something for everyone.
Oticon hearing aids company iverview

Oticon's Play model redefines pediatric hearing aids with its advanced DNN technology, robust design, and child-friendly features for a connected, vibrant childhood.

Children-Friendly Options

Only a handful of hearing aid manufacturers have a range of hearing aids designed specifically for children, and Oticon is arguably the leader in this category, with their Play hearing aids. It's for children, but make no mistake, this hearing aid is "all grown up" in terms of the cutting-edge technology it delivers. It offers than same Deep Neural Network technology as their Flagship Oticon Intent line, ensuring your child doesn't miss out on important sounds.

Play comes in a variety of fun colors, it's tamper-resistant, and has an IP68 rating, meaning it can withstand the rigors of childhood and won't break down when exposed to water, dirt or dust.
Oticon hearing aids company iverview

Oticon hearing aids offer seamless Bluetooth connectivity for iOS users, while Android users might require the ConnectClip accessory, with a limitation of pairing with only one device at a time.

Room for Improvement

In our opinion, Oticon's receiver-in-canal Intent model is the best, or second-best hearing aid on the market, in terms of overall popularity, user reviews, and return rates. However, we've been less thrilled by their newest in-ear model, Oticon Own, as in our experience it hasn't garnered raving fans like the Intent model has.

There's also some room to improve on Bluetooth connectivity. If you're using an iPhone, connecting is pretty seamless thanks to Bluetooth Low Energy, so you can stream audio and make hands-free calls easily. But for Android users, things can get a little tricky. You may need to grab an extra accessory like the Oticon ConnectClip to enjoy features like hands-free calling. Plus (like most hearing aids), Oticon hearing aids can only pair with one device at a time, which can be frustrating if you’re switching between a phone, tablet, or computer regularly since you’ll need to unpair and reconnect each time.


Few would deny that Oticon is an absolute powerhouse in the hearing aid industry, setting the tone for innovation and high quality products. Like any brand, there's room for improvement, particularly with their in-ear models, and Bluetooth limitations. But for the majority of hearing aid wearers who prefer the receiver-in-canal style, and have simple (or no) Bluetooth streaming needs, we'd consider Oticon to be the best, or second-best choice on the market.

What is the best Oticon hearing aid?
The best Oticon hearing aid is Oticon Intent 1.
What is the newest Oticon hearing aid?
The newest Oticon hearing aid is Oticon Intent, February 22, 2024.
Who sells Oticon hearing aids near me?
We do! Call 800-731-6794 and we'll let you know our closest location to you. You can also find an Oticon seller and service center by visiting
How much do Oticon hearing aids cost?
Oticon hearing aids range in price from $1,000-$3,500 per hearing aid. Prices will vary based on the technology level of the hearing aid: 1 (premium), 2 (mid), 3 (essential). Other items included with your purchase may also affect the price, such as service plans, warranties, and accessories. Prices may vary significantly by region and retailer. At ZipHearing, our Oticon Intent prices are *39% less than the national average retail price.

*Based on pricing data published by
Are Oticon hearing aids waterproof?
No. Some Oticon hearing aids have an IP rating of 68, which makes them very water-resistant, but they are not waterproof.
Where are Oticon hearing aids made?
Oticon hearing aids are made in Somerset, New Jersey, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Mierzyn, Poland.
How do you program Oticon hearing aids?
Oticon hearing aids, like all digital hearing aids, are programmed by computer to match the wearer's exact hearing profile. An Oticon hearing care provider wirelessly connects to Oticon hearing aids via an industry-standard programming device called Noahlink Wireless. Once connected, the hearing aids are programmed via a proprietary programming software that is only available to hearing care providers, called Genie 2.
How to pair Oticon hearing aids to an iPhone
Recent Oticon models that can stream audio directly from iOS devices (iOS version 11 or newer):

2024: Intent
2023: Real
2022: Zircon
2021: More
2020: Ruby
2019: Opn S, Opn Play, Xceed
2018: Siya

Not sure which model you have? Check your user guide, or call the Oticon provider who sold the devices to you.

Pairing Instructions:

1. Make sure that your phone's Bluetooth is on. Go to Settings > Bluetooth, and make sure the toggle switch is set to On.
2. Open and close the battery doors on your hearing device. Or, if you use rechargeable Oticon hearing aids, switch the hearing aids off and on again, by pressing and holding the toggle down button for 3 seconds to turn them off, and repeating to turn them back on.
3. On your Apple device, go to Settings > Accessibility > Hearing, and select Hearing Devices.
4. Your Apple device will search for your hearing device.
5. Under MFi Hearing Devices, tap the name of your hearing device.
6. Tap Pair when you see the pairing request on the screen. If you have two hearing devices, you'll get two requests. Pairing could take up to a minute.
7. You can start using your hearing device when you see it under MFi Hearing Devices with a check mark.

How to pair Oticon hearing aids to an Android
Recent Oticon models that can stream audio directly from Android devices (requires Android 10).

2024: Intent
2023: Real
2022: Zircon
2021: More

Please note that not all Android devices can directly stream to Oticon hearing aids. Check compatibility

Pairing Instructions:

1. Go to the Android phone’s home screen and tap on the “Settings” icon.
2. In the settings menu, tap on the Bluetooth icon.
3. Tap on the slider button to turn Bluetooth on.
4. Open and close the hearing aid battery doors. Or, if you use rechargeable Oticon hearing aids, switch the hearing aids off by pressing and holding the push button for 3 seconds, then repeating to turn them back on again.
5. Open the “Settings” app on your phone
6. Tap “Connected devices”, and “Pair new device.”
7. If you have more than one hearing aid: Wait for the first hearing aid to connect, then tap the other hearing aid in the list of available devices.
8. Your Android phone is now connected to your Oticon hearing aids.

Oticon hearing aid models compared

As of September 2024, Oticon currently has five different models of hearing aids available (if we exclude the pediatric line). Those models address different types of hearing loss, with different feature sets, and at different price points. So how do you know which model to buy?

For starters, in almost all cases, and with the majority of hearing losses, you'll want to go with the newest from Oticon, released in February 2024, Oticon Intent.

Intent is Oticon's best-seller by a long shot and is their flagship hearing aid. But if you want an in-the-ear model, have a severe-to-profound hearing loss, don't want rechargeable batteries, or would like to keep your costs down and not by the newest Intent model, that's when the other models start to make more sense.

If you'd like an in-the-ear custom-molded model, check out Oticon Own. Oticon makes these in a range of sizes from completely invisible in canal options, to large full shell in-the-ear options that'll be much easier to handle and maintain on a day-to-day basis.

If you have a severe-to-profound hearing loss, take a look at Oticon Xceed. These are large and powerful behind-the-ear hearing aids that are used with custom ear molds. As of September 2024, they are the most powerful hearing aids on the market.

If you want a receiver-in-canal style like Intent, but don't want rechargeable batteries (Intent only comes rechargeable), then consider the Oticon Real. It's from February 2023, but it's the best hearing aid Oticon currently makes that is powered by disposable batteries.

Finally, if you don't want to shell out $3,000+ for state of the art hearing aids, and just want something reliable that will get the job done, consider Oticon Zircon. It's Oticon's "budget" line of hearing aids. They're not going to offer state-of-the-art background noise reduction, but they'll be an excellent help in many environments, helping you hear one-on-one conversations better.

Intent Real
Reviews 76 reviews • 18 video reviews 90 reviews • 22 video reviews
Sales popularity 95.4% 2%
Return rate 12.9% 14.8%
Released date Feb 22, 2024 Feb 23, 2023
Hearing loss Mild-Moderate Mild-Severe
Styles miniRITE R, CROS PX miniRITE R, CROS minRITE T miniRITE R, miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T, CROS miniRITE T, CROS PX miniRITE R
Battery Rechargeable Rechargeable or disposable

Oticon hearing aid reviews

As a nationwide, high volume retailer of hearing aids, we are privy to a lot of data about different hearing aid manufacturers. We work with thousands of customers a year, and hundreds of hearing providers nationwide. This gets us unique insight into how particular products perform, what customers say about them, and what the expert hearing care providers who work with these hearing aids each and every day say about them.

It's that breadth of knowledge that we get to pull from, that enables us to confidently say that Oticon is consistently regarded as either the best, or second-best brand of prescription hearing aids on the market. They seem to be in a perpetual contest with Phonak, racing to deliver the most innovative products to the market, and both brands consistently do.

Oticon's claim to fame as of the last few years is their introduction of Deep Neural Network technology to hearing aids, dating back to their 2021 release of Oticon More. This was a radical new way for hearing aids to process sound, and it's a trend that's catching on, with other major manufacturers recently following suit with their own products.

Below you'll see some expert reviews, from hearing care providers (audiologists and hearing aid dispensers), who work with these products everyday in clinic. If actual user reviews are more your speed, then navigate to the model pages on our site (or click the links below), to read and watch authentic user reviews from actual Oticon wearers.

Expert reviews

Read what a few of our favorite ZipHearing providers have to say about Oticon

The image of Valerie Fitzgibbons hearing aids expert

Valerie Fitzgibbons, MA, Audiology

What needs improving

Oticons app for smartphones is lacking. Oticons approach to remote controls has always been: ‘its not needed’ because their hearing aid will do the work for the listener. Technically I would agree. Honestly, at a lot of yearly rechecks patients will tell me they are not using the remote control features. They report that the hearing aid setting we worked on does as good of a job, or better, then anything they try to adjust on their own in noisy environments. However, some patients WANT that flexibility. They want to make adjustments especially if they see their friends pulling out their phones and showing how they can make this change and that. For patients that want more control over their hearing aid features…. Oticon falls short compared to other manufacturers

The image of Beverly D’Cunha hearing aids expert

Beverly D’Cunha, Doctor of Audiology

What needs improving

While I am super happy as an Audiologist with Oticon, I would like to see rechargeable options for custom in the canal aids. Other than that, I only have happy patients coming in for follow-up because of their fantastic devices!

The image of Sean Barak hearing aids expert

Sean Barak, Doctor of Audiology

What needs improving

Although the Oticon REAL is a great all-around hearing device, there are a few areas that could be improved to provide a better patient experience: A more robust phone application that allows for users to better customize their sound preferences and settings, a more stable Bluetooth connection, and a longer battery life when it comes to rechargeable models. Adding additional form factors, such as in-the-ear models would be a valuable addition to the REAL product lineup.

User reviews

Watch and read what our hearing aid users have to say about Oticon.

Oticon hearing aid prices

It's no secret, the cost of prescription hearing aids, particularly brands as renowned as Oticon, is nothing to sneeze at. It's not unusual for folks to spend over $7,000 for a pair of high end Oticon hearing aids. On the other hand, you could likely find very good Oticon hearing aids for well under $3,000 for a pair through online-only dealers. Let's get into that price discrepancy, other factors that might determine your end price, and what you need to be aware of as you consider buying Oticon hearing aids.

The first thing to understand, is Oticon hearing aids are prescription hearing aids. This means they are hearing aids that can be personally and precisely customized by a hearing care provider, based on the results of your hearing test. And, Oticon recommends that you do buy hearing aids this way— through a licensed and trained hearing care provider, so that you get the most benefit out of your hearing aids. Oticon even mentions this on their website, saying "Oticon’s advanced technologies offer considerable benefit when selected and fit by trained and credentialed hearing care professionals providing high levels of expertise and service, including proper fitting through face-to-face consultations."

Of course, that local care comes at a price, as the hearing provider (Oticon retailer), will mark up the product to account for their time setting up and programming the devices, and providing ongoing care, and that's why prices for Oticon will often exceed $7,000 for a pair. There are certain retailers (like ZipHearing) who sell Oticon at discounted rates while still pairing you up with a local hearing care provider, getting you the best of both worlds.

If even a discount network like ZipHearing is too pricey, there are always of course more "rogue" sellers on the gray market, in this case, sellers through sites like Amazon and eBay, who can be found selling them for only a few thousand dollars for the pair. We would however, advise that you use extreme caution buying from these sources, as they are not authorized Oticon retailers, Oticon will not honor the warranty on the products, and you are unlikely to be able to find a local care provider who will service those hearing aids when you eventually need them.

In short, it pays to do your homework when buying Oticon (and any hearing aid), but make sure you're making your decision with the big picture in mind, and not just searching for the absolute lowest price possible, as that often comes at a price of its own.

If you'd like a price quote from us, just click any of the models below and visit the model page, where our chatbot will be happy to get you a quote and answer any questions.

Model National Average Pair Price * Our Discount Available Styles % of sales
Oticon Intent 1 $7,596 35.5% miniRITE R, CROS PX miniRITE R, CROS minRITE T 78.6%
Oticon Intent 2 $6,212 37.3% miniRITE R, CROS PX miniRITE R, CROS minRITE T 15.4%
Oticon Intent 3 $5,456 39.6% miniRITE R, CROS PX miniRITE R, CROS minRITE T 4.5%
Oticon Intent 4 $3,600 19.5% miniRITE R, CROS PX miniRITE R, CROS minRITE T 1.4%
Oticon Real 1 $7,596 36.8% miniRITE R, miniRITE T, CROS PX miniRITE R, CROS miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T 78.8%
Oticon Real 2 $6,212 38.9% miniRITE R, miniRITE T, CROS PX miniRITE R, CROS miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T 15.6%
Oticon Real 3 $5,456 41.4% miniRITE R, miniRITE T, CROS PX miniRITE R, CROS miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T 5.6%
Oticon Own 1 $7,120 35.4% ITC, CIC, IIC, ITE FS, ITE HS 79.7%
Oticon Own 2 $5,784 34.3% ITC, CIC, IIC, ITE FS, ITE HS 13%
Oticon Own 3 $4,830 33.8% ITC, CIC, IIC, ITE FS, ITE HS 7.2%
Oticon Own 4 $4,130 32.3% ITC, CIC, IIC, ITE FS, ITE HS 0%
Oticon Own 5 $3,428 24.2% ITC, CIC, IIC, ITE FS, ITE HS 0%
Oticon Zircon 1 $4,130 32.3% miniRITE R, miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T, CROS miniRITE T, CROS PX miniRITE R 77.3%
Oticon Zircon 2 $3,428 24.2% miniRITE R, miniRITE T, miniBTE R, miniBTE T, CROS miniRITE T, CROS PX miniRITE R 22.7%
Oticon Xceed 1 $7,058 34.9% UP, SP, CROS miniRITE T, CROS PX miniRITE R 65.4%
Oticon Xceed 2 $5,826 34.8% UP, SP, CROS miniRITE T, CROS PX miniRITE R 19.2%
Oticon Xceed 3 $5,094 37.2% UP, SP, CROS miniRITE T, CROS PX miniRITE R 13.5%
* According to price tracking website